Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Amy's got my back

Thank you all for your words of encouragement. Amy and I are motivated. Well, I haven't checked in with Amy on that statement, but I think she is motivated.

Our first goals:
Month 1- Lose 8 lbs. (So my ski pants fit better.)
Month 2- Run the St Patty's Day Dash. And then party like a red headed elfin ROCKSTAR.

Maybe I should just write participate in the St Patty's Day Dash.

So tonight, I REALLY GO public.While we composed our 2nd post on Sunday, my husband walked in on us. We told him what we were doing. And it just happened to be when we were posting the dreaded numbers. I casually lowered my screen so he couldn't see them, and Amy (WHO ALWAYS HAS MY BACK,) casually turned the piece of paper over so he couldn't read the numbers.

Do you see where I am going with this? I haven't told James that BIG OLD 3 digit number. So to mitigate my EMBARASSMENT, I plan to discuss this number tonight when the lights are turned out for the night.

"James, I have a confession to make."
His heart will likely beat 200 times faster.
"What Wendy?"
" I weigh 230 lbs"

I have no idea what will be the outcome of this conversation. Although now I can ask what he weighs. I don't ask that question, because I don't want to tell him my ghastly number.

Sweet dreams. And I doubt Jame will say, "Suh WEET."


  1. you go girlz...I have graduation staring me straight in my face...June 4...that is the date...that is the date that I will be at least, no, I WILL be 40lbs slimmer! I will NOT be a three digit number that begins with a 2,has a 1 in the middle and ends with a 0...I will NOT...that is my affirmation, my solemn vow...ok,now what do I do???

  2. We have another rider on the adventure bus!

    Need to write the disclaimer...but eat less and exercise more. It's all about calories in, calories expended right? Congratulations on making a committment, we look forward to your updates.

