Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Wendy is correct in that I too am motivated. Now that my world knows I am eating to live rather than living to eat, I am acting in my best interest. I am benefitting from knowing that others are watching and I know they know I know they are watching. I am not, nor have I ever been, good at failing. Since I have publicly declared my intentions, I must act on them or risk failure. Now for a lesson on twisted thinking. "If I do not attempt to lose weight and increase my physical fitness, I cannot fail when I am still fat and out of shape in the spring." That is out the window now.

The space time continuum does confound me at times and Tuesday morning I was dressed and ready for work 30 minutes earlier than usual but somehow failed to pack my lunch. I threw together food and left. In the days before I reported my food and beverage intake to Wendy I would have grabbed a school lunch or stopped by Quizznos on the way to my second building, but I do not want to attempt to figure the caloric or nutrional value of a school lunch and the choices at Quizznos would not be what I need. Just knowing that I have to tell Wendy what I have eaten has prevented just for fun eating. The power that woman has over me!!!

Wendy and I have shared a number of emails and telephone calls back and forth about her intention to confess her three digit number to James. I suggested that she not tell him. An excerpt of our exchange follows.

"James has touched you in your current physical state. While he may not know the actual number of pounds you weigh, he is aware that you are at an unhealthy number. What do you hope to gain from saying "230 pounds?" Are you really wanting to let him know that you acknowledge it is not okay or acceptable anymore and you recognize that you want to be different, for both yourself and for him.

While I have not said anything to Roger yet, I do wish to apologize to him for being so overweight. I need to be healthy for both of us, and I do not wish to embarrass him any longer. (No, he has never said anything about embarrassment or even looked like he was, but in front of his brothers I am bothered. I want him to be proud of his "catch.")"

I think it is my turn for confessions tonight, but not in the dark. I talk in my sleep and Roger will likely chalk up anything I say with the lights out to that.

Thank you all for your words of encouragement,


  1. OK ladies Bonnie and I have discussed this and decided that you two have some B***S! And its awesome. I can't say I personally can exploit my weight at this time in my life to make really public but you two are great! I am joining the club and so is Bonnie. She is doing WeighWatchers right now because she is going on a Mexican cruise in March. Give me details on meetings and Wendy I agree with Amy your hubby doesn't need to know the #s. This is so great. Going public with people you know I think is going to work for me. What a good idea girls.

  2. You guys crack me up! I am happy that you are working together to reach your goals. It is more effective and fun if you have a partner. Well... if you have to go down a hard road, you might as well take your sister. I wish you both the best in your new challenge! And...if you want to come with me to water aerobics at Thorbeckes, I won't splash you too much.

  3. Thanks Laurie and Bonnie. Sisters are something else aren't they? We continue to get words of encouragement. And this blog is certainly causing different choices.
